Roshpit Champions Wiki
"The Red General"
Main attribute
Melee DPS, Tank
Hero model

Skills and Runes Chart[ | ]

TheRedGeneral SkullBasher
TheRedGeneral SpurShock
TheRedGeneral Whirlwind
TheRedGeneral Sunder
TheRedGeneral Rune MassiveImpact
TheRedGeneral Rune HeelStomp
TheRedGeneral Rune Bloodlust
TheRedGeneral Rune Multi-Dunk
TheRedGeneral Rune BerserkerRage
TheRedGeneral Rune ShockLock
TheRedGeneral Rune CycloneStorm
TheRedGeneral Rune Shockwaves
TheRedGeneral Rune HeroicLeap
TheRedGeneral Rune Return
TheRedGeneral Rune CyclonicParry
TheRedGeneral Rune VisceralForce

 Skills[ | ]

TheRedGeneral SkullBasher

Skull Basher [Q] - Buff[ | ]

Strike enemies with massive stunning blows for the duration, and gain attack speed.

Attack Speed Bonus 30 50 70 90 110 130
Splash Damage 70 240 550 1080 2000 4000
Stun Duration 2.0s 2.5s 3.0s 3.5s 4.0s 4.5s
Buff Duration 4.0s 4.5s 5.0s 5.5s 6.0s 6.5s
Cooldown 13.0s
TheRedGeneral SpurShock

Spur Shock [W] - DPS[ | ]

Emits three shockwaves behind the General.

Wave Speed 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Damage per Wave 180 280 540 1300 2400 5000
Manacost 90 140 200 300 450 600
TheRedGeneral Whirlwind

Whirlwind [E] - Mobility[ | ]

The Red General charges forward, damaging and knocking back all enemies in his path.

Damage per Swing 240 600 1500 3000 7000 14000
Knockback 250 300 350 400 450 500
Cooldown 8.0s 7.5s 7.0s 6.5s 6.0s 5.5s
Radius 250
TheRedGeneral Sunder

Sunder [R] - Channeled[ | ]

The General winds up his weapon for 2 seconds and then unleashes a deadly echo slam 200 units in front of him.

Damage 800 1500 3000 7000 10000 24000
Cooldown 14.0s

Skull Basher Runes[ | ]

Massive Impact [1-1][ | ]

Increases the radius of Skull Basher's damage and stun.

  • Radius Increase: +20 per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune MassiveImpact

Berserker Rage [1-2][ | ]

Whenever you land an attack - gain 15 attack speed. If you don't attack for 2 seconds, all charges are lost.

  • Max Charges: 4 + 1 per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune BerserkerRage

Heroic Leap [1-3][ | ]

When Skull Basher is cast - The Red General leaps forward - dealing damage and stunning at the landing point. Skull Basher, Return, and Berserker Rage duration are refreshed and paused while leaping.

  • Damage: +750 per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune HeroicLeap

Spur Shock Runes[ | ]

Heel Stomp [2-1][ | ]

The Red General stomps the ground with each cast of Spur Shock - dealing damage to all nearby enemies.

  • Damage: +60 per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune HeelStomp

Shock Lock [2-2][ | ]

Units struck by Spur Shocks are locked in place.

  • Root Duration: 0.15 + 0.05 per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune ShockLock

Return [2-3][ | ]

Each enemy hit by a Spur Shock increases the General's attack damage.

  • Damage Bonus per target hit: +1 per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune Return

Whirlwind Runes[ | ]

Bloodlust [3-1][ | ]

Heals the Red General for each unit struck by Whirlwind.

  • Heal per Unit: +8 per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune Bloodlust

Cyclone Storm [3-2][ | ]

The cyclical force of The General's Whirlwind creates damaging tornados.

  • Tornados Created: +1 per level
  • Tornado Damage: 220 + 20 per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune CycloneStorm

Cyclonic Parry [3-3][ | ]

The General has increased armor and magic resistance while in Whirlwind.

  • Armor Bonus: +10 per level
  • Magic Resistance Bonus: +3% per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune CyclonicParry

Sunder Runes[ | ]

Multi-Dunk [4-1][ | ]

When using Sunder - have a chance to slam the ground twice. Over 100% chance means it can proc 2 times.

  • Multi-Dunk Chance: +10% per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune Multi-Dunk

Shockwaves [4-2][ | ]

Sunder also creates 8 shockwaves that shoot out of the Red General's axe.

  • Damage: +50 per level
  • Shockwave Distance: 530 + 30 per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune Shockwaves

Visceral Force [4-3][ | ]

After a successful Sunder - Spur Shocks do additional damage for 5 seconds.

  • Spur Shock Damage Bonus: +10% per level
    TheRedGeneral Rune VisceralForce